Capacity Booking
Successfully book capacities
Gas transport in the ONTRAS network is started by booking capacities using a booking platform. The following requirements must first be met:
Application for an EIC code (via the DVGW)
Conclusion of a balancing group contract with Trading Hub Europe
Communication of bank and tax details to ONTRAS via this form
Submission of the proof of authority to act on behalf of the company as well as the audited financial statements in accordance with our network access conditions (section downloads)
Setting up of the balancing group via the ONTRAS customer portal (after successful activation on a capacity booking platform)
Only for bookings at GCP GAZ-SYSTEM/ONTRAS and storages: successful communication test with ONTRAS (section nomination)
Registration in CEREMP of BNetzA or other national regulatory agency and the addition of the EIC-code in the company profile
Only for bookings at connection points to final customers: submission of the DVGW code for the role “Capacity User”, of the communication data sheet and of the certificate for the INVOIC communication
Capacity booking and inclusion in a balancing group on the relevant capacity booking platform