Reward ideas, strengthen volunteer work, encourage social interaction.
Many associations and initiatives enrich life in their region through volunteering. Supporting their ideas, engagement and creative drive is and remains a key concern for ONTRAS.
Six years of the “ONTRAS.Stadtbekannt” support programme
Our “ONTRAS.Stadtbekannt” support programme, which has since come to an end, allowed us to acknowledge the diverse engagement and fantastic initiatives in our network region over the past years. Between 2015 and 2020, ONTRAS supported over 200 charitable projects and 20 flagship projects by not-for-profit organisations and charitable citizens’ initiatives. Volunteer civil engagement will remain an important part of our social responsibility that we are looking forward to supporting in the future.
Ehrenamtsstiftung Mecklenburg-Vorpommern foundation
The foundation for volunteer work and civil engagement in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania supports and encourages people involved in volunteer work in this federal state. And it promotes the exchange of knowledge and experience. ONTRAS has been supporting these concerns for many years with a donation and by providing ideas and expertise as well as the involvement in the annual Engagement Award. As a member of the convention, ONTRAS Managing Director Gunar Schmidt actively supports the foundation’s work.

Engaged employees
As a company, we support social interaction, but also the fantastic engagement of the ONTRAS team. For instance, at the request of employees, we regularly use part of the Christmas budget for donations or gifts to charitable organisations. This has allowed us to sponsor a whole range of associations that support working with children and young people, creativity, diversity and political education. Even the idea to donate trees and to contribute to the preservation of our forests with tree planting campaigns was put forward by employees. Simply a fantastic team!