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Transparency Information Natural Gas

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In the following overview you will find all relevant information from the legal publication obligations for the transportation of natural gas clearly presented. The publications are made in accordance with the Gas Network Access Ordinance (GasNZV) and EU Regulation No. 2024/1789, among others. For questions please write an email to

  • EU Reg. 2024/1789
  • Annex I to Regulation (EU) 2024/1789
  • EG Reg. 2017/459
  • Publication of product-sharp curtailment of firm capacity
  • Publication according to Art. 29 and 30 Regulation (EU) 2017/460 (NC Tariffs)
  • Publication according EnWG
  • Publication according to the regulation about the offer of additional capacity in the single German market area ("KAP+")
  • Process description according to tenor number 6 lit. d) of the ANIKA determination (BK7-23-043)
Art. 33 (4) Relevant network points of ONTRAS
Capacity sharp values for curtailments of firm capacity from 01.06.2016
Publication according to Art. 29 and 30 Regulation (EU) 2017/460 (NC Tariffs), (02.12.2024)
Art. 3 AuktionskalenderAuction Calender
Process description and capacity buyback
§21 Para. 3: Capacity charge for the network access in the market area THE as of 01.01.2025
3.1.2 a) A detailed and comprehensive description of the different services and their charges
Annual Monitoring Report pursuant to KAP+ (GY 23/24)
§21 Para. 3: Capacity charge for the network access in the market area THE as of 01.01.2024
Art. 34 (5) Gas storage data
Annual Monitoring Report pursuant to KAP+ (GY 22/23)
3.1.2 b) (Transport) contracts and other relevant documents
Simplified Model (02.12.2024)
Publication according to Art. 29 and 30 Regulation (EU) 2017/460 (NC Tariffs), (01.06.2024)
3.1.2 c) Network Code/Standard Conditions
Annual Monitoring Report pursuant to KAP+ (GY 21/22)
3.1.2 c) ii) Specification of relevant gas quality parameters
Simplified Model (27.11.2023)
§23c para.4 no. 8: Biogas congestion card
Publication according to Art. 29 and 30 Regulation (EU) 2017/460 (NC Tariffs), (01.12.2023)
§23c para.4 no. 8: LNG congestion card
3.1.2 c) iii) Pressure requirements
Publication according to Art. 29 and 30 Regulation (EU) 2017/460 (NC Tariffs), (02.06.2023)
3.1.2 c) iv) Procedure in the event of an interruption of interruptible capacity
3.1.2 d) Harmonized procedures applied when using the transmission system, including the definition of key terms Cooperation Agreement
3.1.2 e) Provisions on capacity allocation, congestion management and anti-hoarding and reutilization procedures
3.1.2 f) Rules applicable for capacity trade on the secondary market vis-à-vis the transmission system operator
3.1.2 g) Rules on balancing and methodology for the calculation of imbalance charges
3.1.2 h) Flexibility and tolerance levels included in transportation and with additional charges
3.1.2 i) Detailed description of the gas system of TSO and its relevant points of interconnection / names of the operators of the interconnected systems or facilities
3.1.2 j) Rules applicable for connection to the system
3.1.2 k) Information on emergency mechanisms
3.1.2 l) For interconnection points, agreed and interoperability procedures (if relevant), procedures for nomination and matching, other procedures for allocation and quantity deviations including methods used.
3.1.2 m) Description of the methodology and process used to calculate the technical capacity
3.3. (1) a)–k), 3.3. (4), (5) Capacities, nominations and renominations, actual physical flows, gross calorific values
3.3. (1) f) Planned and actual interruptions of interruptible capacities
3.3. (1) g) Planned and unscheduled interruptions of firm capacities
3.4 (1) u. (2) Information on secondary trading
3.4 (3) Balancing services
3.4 (4) Further flexibility service of TSO
3.4 (5) The actual and forecast gas volume in the network
3.4 (6) User-friendly instruments for calculating tariffs